

Headless Studios originally founded on March 30th 2017 by the recruitment efforts of DPROBOY and Frankie ‘TechLord’ Taylor. The Studio was re-organized and rebranded as HeadlessStudios.com  on August 3rd 2018, with Frankie ‘TechLord’ Taylor assuming Sole Founder and Game Development Lead.

HeadlessStudios.com operates as a Game Development Studio owned by TheGameDevStore.com Inc (Publisher), developers unique state-of-the-art 3D computer games based on Epic Megagame’s UnrealEngine Technology



Game Development Lead, Admin Support, Recruiter, Lead Blueprints Engineer, Game Designer, Investor, Founder

G.o.D: Blueprints Systems Replication Engineering – LobbySystem, EquipSystem, AgentSystem,  AI Design and Programming, Construction/Customization Systems: {Creatures, Character Armor, Weapons, Vehicles,  Campaign}  Power Suit System, Skill Trees system, Cinematic Dialogue System, Website Interface, Steam Interface, In-app API Integration.

I Love computer games of all genres but, tend to gravitate towards Action FPS, RPGs, and Horror Games. I desire to add more Player creation/expression in my game designs and focus on in-game multi-users Construction and Editing Applications. I choose UE4 to build my dream game project Dragon’$ Gold.

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