
Oorbit Embed Test

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://mobile.oorbit.com/#/embed/v8supercamv8″ title=”V8 SUPERCAM” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope;...


V8 SUPERCAM [Playable Demo] – V8 SUPERCAM is a   Dynamic Multi-Perspective ‘Hyper-Cinematic’ Camera System supporting Player Controlled Transitions between First-Person, Over-the-Shoulder, Third-Person, Top-Down, Isometric, Side View, Second-Person,...
Project RUCKUS

Project RUCKUS

Working Title:ruck·us/ˈrəkəs/ nounnoun: ruckus; plural noun: ruckuses a disturbance or commotion. Description: Players battle in a world of intermixed art style and design using Gun Kata Mechanics {dual firearms / dual melee | half/half}, Player Activated...
ExORION Survivor

ExORION Survivor

Alien race Xiety is invading Earth, unleashing Colossal-sized Monsters who come to be known as Orions. These massive Monstrosity weld otherworldly powers, terraforming the planet. Mankind struggles to fight back against the Orions and Xiety Technology.  Near the brink...


COVID-26 Mankind’s Ultimate Battle for Existence, Against An Alien Virulence. % World Infection...

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