Alien race Xiety is invading Earth, unleashing Colossal-sized Monsters who come to be known as Orions. These massive Monstrosity weld otherworldly powers, terraforming the planet. Mankind struggles to fight back against the Orions and Xiety Technology. Near the brink of extinction, the Governments of Earth unite forming a Global Technocracy who approve and develop controversial technologies Human Genetic Manipulation, Synthetic DNA/Organisms, Nanotechnology, Quantum Physics, and Super Artificial Intelligence. From these once forbidden Technologies they create ExOrion – Genetically Engineered Super Soldiers equipped with superior Weaponry and skills designed to defeat Orions.
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SCP-5391 Description: SCP-5391 is the designation given to the subsequent appearance of several hostile Large Scale Aggressors (LSAs) following the revival of LSA-Brasil-01. These entities, collectively referred to as both SCP-5391-1 and their individual designations, are gigafauna varying in appearance, height, and biological composition. While certain SCP-5391-1 possess physical traits similar to those found in ordinary organisms, each entity deviates in significant characteristics and anomalous capability. The unifying characteristic among SCP-5391-1 is the possession of destructive thaumatological capabilities, including the large-scale emission of Elan Vital Energy and Akiva Radiation. A brief summary detailing the characteristics and anomalous capabilities of significant… Read more »