
Oorbit Embed Test

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://mobile.oorbit.com/#/embed/v8supercamv8″ title=”V8 SUPERCAM” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope;...


V8 SUPERCAM [Playable Demo] – V8 SUPERCAM is a   Dynamic Multi-Perspective ‘Hyper-Cinematic’ Camera System supporting Player Controlled Transitions between First-Person, Over-the-Shoulder, Third-Person, Top-Down, Isometric, Side View, Second-Person,...
Project RUCKUS

Project RUCKUS

Working Title:ruck·us/ˈrəkəs/ nounnoun: ruckus; plural noun: ruckuses a disturbance or commotion. Description: Players battle in a world of intermixed art style and design using Gun Kata Mechanics {dual firearms / dual melee | half/half}, Player Activated...

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